Some people think you don't need to estimate software development work. I am not so sure.
Make Your React Components Pretty - WalmartLabs
Make Your React Components Pretty 💅 – WalmartLabsSome nice tips in here, i disagree with some (e.g. we don’t
Oh, shit, git!
Oh, shit, git!Because every now and then… you mess up - luckly git got your back.
Mob Programming - All the brilliant people working on the same thing,...
Mob Programming – All the brilliant people working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and
React Storybook
React StorybookWe’ve been using this at work - its so much more than it seems. Try it. The
On DRY and the cost of wrongful abstractions
On DRY and the cost of wrongful abstractionsCould not agree more developers spend 10:1 reading vs writing code. Optimist
TL:DR; A selection of high level notes and links about NoSQL. This is more a data dump than a
Man accidentally 'deletes his entire company' with one line of bad...
Man accidentally 'deletes his entire company' with one line of bad code | News | Lifestyle | The IndependentOuch.