Dog food tastes great!
I'm really lucky to be able to work for a company that creates tools that are useful to me personally. In this case, TubeBuddy - an excellent suite of tools and community to help YouTubers become even better YouTubers.
When I first started using TubeBuddy was back when I was doing due diligence on the company that my employer was considering acquiring. I used a friend's account (thank you Invalid Entry) as I didn't have one and leveraged the tools to manage and optimize videos. It was really impressive, I liked the product and the team was great too! The rest, as they say, is history.
I've kept helping Invalid Entry, but late last week I made the first video public on my own channel, which, of course, was enhanced using TubeBuddy!
The video above was uploaded on behalf of another friend (a filmmaker called Stuart McKean who lives close to me). I promoted the video on Facebook, used key wording tools, and followed the best practices outlined by TubeBuddy, and with a lot of help from Stuarts excellent content, the video (sorry FILM) has gained a lot more views than I or Stuart were expecting, and also gave me an even deeper appreciation of the joy and motivation of YouTubers.
OK, it's not a lot by big creators standard, but from a zero subscriber standing start - I'm very pleased. I've even got certificates to prove it!
I can't take any credit for the amazing features above, they were built before I was involved with TubeBuddy, but, excitingly for me, I was able to use a brand-new feature which was built after I got involved - Chapter Editor!
Chapter Editor makes adding chapters (which I really appreciate, as a YouTube consumer), very easy. I'm immensely proud of the tool the team made, it does one thing, does it very well. So thank you team.
It's so exciting to see the joy and impact a single film (or feature) can have - the feedback and comments have been wonderful on both the film and feature. The filmmaker, Stuart, is very pleased so many people have been able to enjoy his hard work. The team too has been excited by the reception of the feature.
So thank you, BEN, for the opportunity of working on interesting problems with great people, TubeBuddy for the amazing product and most importantly Stuart McKean for the content!
This dog food tastes great!